Saturday, August 8, 2009

My Knight in a Clown Costume...

I'm not looking for someone to grow old with. Rather, I want someone with whom it will become increasingly apparent to others how immature we are.

Monday, August 3, 2009

You Know You're Getting Old When...

I was going to get a spoon to eat my rice with, so I reached under the counter to open the drawer, BUT IT WASN'T THERE!!! So I'm all spazzing out like... "ok, calm down, there's gotta be a logical explanation for the lack of drawer". So I'm trying to chill out, but I'm still wondering where the hell my drawer went. Then I realized that ALL MY DRAWERS ARE GONE!!!!! So I'm really starting to freak out, because, like, I have no drawers! But then I remembered that I never had any drawers in this house. My silverware is on the shelf above the microwave...